I didn't get to run over the weekend due to some crazy nausea I was dealing with... My own and a couple of my kids. I didn't think running while I felt pukalicious was a hot idea, so I wanted until last night for my next running excursion. Had to really cling to that firm sense of resolve to get myself out the door... Had a long and tiring day, plus I had to wait until much later in the evening to head out than usual because my husband had to go get our deer meat to be put in our freezer.... These people eat a lot and getting an entire deer or two will last us a couple of months. Although I knew it was a necessary errand, it put me farther behind, growing more tired and less motivated by the moment. To keep myself from copping out. I splurged and bought myself a couple of new songs off of iTunes for my running playlist and started brainstorming about what races I want to set my sights on to train for this year.
I finally knew it was time to set a goal, and use that as direction to keep me focused on training.
An email popped up in my mailbox about that time reminding me that registration for The Bear Run had opened that day! I took that as a sign, and registered. The Bear Run is, in my opinion, the toughest race I've ever run.... Including Marine Corps Marathon.
Never have I wanted to quit a race THAT badly.... Brutal... but the most amazing scenery for a race... Remember the hairpin turn in Forrest Gump when he's running in the mountains? Yep. I got to run that. Would rival what I got to see when I ran the Barrathon in Scotland. And THAT was beyond amazing. The long sleeve tech shirts we got for running it (long sleeve in July, you say?! We NEEDED it at the top of that windy mountain after the race!) plus the Bear Medallion finishing medal were enough to make me forget the pain. Sort of. The Bear Run takes place every year during the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games in Linville, NC... Near Boone, NC. We also attend the Games, so I wore my Clan MacNeil running kilt for the run. The race goes (literally) straight up Grandfather Mountain... A climb of 1535 feet in just 5 miles. Honestly, between the sick, never ending steepness and altitude, I don't think there is truly a great way to train for this race, living where I live... But I'm going to work my hardest. Lots of treadmill incline work and strength training for my legs will be coming. One perk of this race is that it's usually around 60 degrees F in the middle of July, so that's a huge treat to this Southern runner. For more info on the race, look here! http://www.hopeformarrow.org/bearinfo.htm
Last night, I finally headed out to do 3 miles, and was really enjoying myself... Legs felt pretty good, energy and breathing weren't bad. In the midst of my mental unwinding process and listening to Rod Stewart's "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy", I decided that I want to shoot for running two Half Marathons this year, plus a The Bear Run. One of those Halfs will probably be the Montgomery Half in October, and I'm still thinking on the other.
Ran 2 miles in 21:05... Didn't get the third mile in because I stopped to talk with a neighbor friend who witnessed a crazy driver in a car we didn't know drive into the cul de sac (where I was running and my friend was taking out trash) like a bat out of hell and fly around the cul de sac twice. Freaked both of us out.... Finally we realized it was a girl that stays at one of the houses ever so often... Normally I carry a self defense item with me, but didn't last night I didn't... Glad it wasn't some creeper out to get me. If I see that girl in the daylight I will give her a piece of my mind... Probably with a few kids in tow.
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