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Friday, February 7, 2014

Daddy's Little Girl

When a friend of mine sent me an email a few weeks ago about an upcoming Father-Daughter Dance in our town, I knew that the High Roller just HAD to take the Princess to it. Talk about memories being made... wonderful pictures to be taken and so much fun... but more importantly, I want her to know that she is so very special and should always be treated as such. Having an amazing relationship with her Daddy will do so much for her self-worth and expectations of how other males should treat her in the future. This will be an opportunity to build on the already strong foundation of their relationship... and hopefully she will seek the traits that she loves about him in a husband when she's grown. Nothing gives me greater joy than to see how her sweet face lights up when he comes home from work, or how he melts whenever she asks him for anything. So wonderful.

They will be going to supper before the dance with one of the Princess' friends and HER daddy, and she is so excited. Can you imagine these two little girl, all dressed up, and so excited to be having a special night on the town with their fathers? It's the way things should be... and Im so thankful that my daughters get to have a great Dad to support and love them.

So of course, we needed to find her a party dress to wear for her evening out, and made a special shopping trip this morning, with her grandmother, Gigi (my Mom) and her little sister, LLL, in tow. She was by the excitement of the situation, and she tried on many dresses before selecting the ONE (and its fun to know that there will be many of these dress shopping trips in our future). It's Hot Pink... Perfect for a Valentines themed occasion.
 We then went to another store and she selected hot pink Mary Jane-style shoes... a hot pink bow for her hair... and a hot pink coat to wear over it to stay warm. Yes, that's definitely a LOT of HOT PINK... and if I had been being more practical... and the shoes and coat not been on clearance... I would've steered her towards black shoes and skipped the coat... but they WERE on clearance, and she was utterly delighted.

After outfitting her entirely, she reminded me that she wanted to choose a matching tie for her Daddy... so off to the Men's Big and Tall department we went. They had the perfect tie in, you guessed it, Hot Pink (but respectably and attractively so) with a blue diagonal stripe pattern on it. They will look fantastic... but I cannot wait to hear all about their special evening and see the looks on their faces as they head off for a memorable night of fun.

The Princess was very concerned that her Poppy (my Dad and husband of Gigi) was not taking me, his little girl to the Dance. I explained to her that Poppy has taken me to many special things during my lifetime, and that I would be just fine. It did remind me though, that a relationship between a Dad and Daughter needs to be tended and grown even when everyone has grown up... its a relationship that shouldn't just stop once you start having kids of your own. Even if it was a distant relationship or a strained one, that can be worked on, as long as you both want to make time for it. and we should... and I will. Think I may see about setting up a date with Poppy very soon.

What are some ways you are helping your daughter have a great relationship with her father? What are your favorite memories of time spent with your dad growing up?

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